Preview of 6 new fontes in Vista.
“I want to say that serifs appeal to academics more than sans-serifs do.” Making better grades with serifed type.
Dude, I’m not a fan of the WOA TLA. But, it’s not really up to me. I prefer phrase re-use, like “web service.”
All about SNMP and MIB software…
Logging in AJAX apps. Heads up AJAX framework crew!
One giant step closer to free bandwidth…
Delivering incremental change instead of bigbangs.
Spreadshirt delivers…(tags: tshirts programming)
We’ll see if this fixes the comment spam problem on drunkandretired.com. I have high hopes.
“Once again, Sun has managed to surprise me and defy analysis.” The “chart” is priceless…
“You can’t just go through life pouting about ‘Sun standards’ just because you didn’t decide to show up and play.”
Check it, enterprisey in the wild…
links for 2006-06-01